St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain


October Newsletter

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The Last Page

Fall is a particularly exciting time of year. By the time summer temperatures have hovered in the 90s for far too long, we are always ready for milder weather. We opened our bedroom window for the first time in many months last night, and it felt great! Fall is particularly fun in the Town of Davidson. The college students are back in session; football games add a new dimension to the weekends; activities and events seem to multiply throughout the community. This is a time to plan for kids on Halloween; it is a time to consider who to invite for Thanksgiving; and yes, although none of us want to admit that it’s almost here, the Christmas season will soon unfold in all of those stores and malls!

However, I would ask that we all turn our thoughts to one other place this fall. When I made my closing comments in the September newsletter, none of us could have predicted just how devastating Hurricane Katrina was going to be to the Gulf Coast. And who could have predicted the one-two punch provided by Hurricane Rita before there was even time for another newsletter issue?

Many people will not see fall in the same way this year. Let’s keep a special thought and place in our hearts this year for those neighbors.

Dave Smith (and this is “the last page. . .”)