Neighborhood Social Events

All Neighbors Welcome

Every Morning (7:00 a.m.) – The Board Walkers meet at the corner of Twain Avenue and the intersection of Mary Jane McConnell and Miriam G. Tuttle Byways to begin their 50 to 60 minute walk around the area. If you would like more information, please call Bonne McCoy at 704-987-1877.

A Growing Event – Don't Miss It!
Neighborhood Dinner Group

November 27 (Tuesday) – The Neighborhood Dinner Group will meet at Dresslers at Birkdale Village in Huntersville. [Note the date change to avoid over-indulging during Thanksgiving week.]

Attendance at the October dinner at Soirée in Mooresville was again excellent. We have a winning activity and hope you will continue to participate and enjoy good food and fellowship.

In order to plan ahead for each month, Arvind Patil will need to know in advance who is planning to attend. Notify him by Tuesday (November 20) by phone at 704.892.9608  (e-mail at Arvind has developed an e-mail list for notification and reminders. If you want to be on this list, please let him know.

St. Alban’s Church Events – Neighborhood Welcome!

November 17 (Saturday) – Annual St. Alban’s Church Christmas Bazaar – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – This event is open to the neighborhood and the public and is shaping up to be a big event. There will be a room for kids to make gifts for loved ones while the parents shop for bargains at the Bazaar.

November 18 (Sunday) – 2007-2008 Concert Series, “Carolina Voices Festival Singers: Spiritual Landscapes” – 3:00 p.m. – From the darkest depths to pinnacles of joy, the Festival Singers take you on a spiritual adventure. Under the direction of Donna Hill, this acclaimed choral ensemble brings sacred masterworks to life. Concerts are $15 at the door (students and seniors: $10; children under 10: free) and can be purchased in advance by calling the Concert Series line at 704.941.0650. Please visit musicatstalbans.htm for more information.

Looking for Something Fun and Different?

The neighborhood has a regular Mah Jong game at the home of Joyce Feir, one of our neighbors on Wolfe Street. It is a fun game and popular in many places. If interested in learning the game or becoming a regular player, please call Joyce at 704.892.8985 (e-mail at


November 14 (Wednesday) - Women’s Bridge Club will meet at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Diane Gabriel, 210 Fairview Lane. If you plan to play, please call Diane at 704.895.4702. The club meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Please contact Jean Gilcrest at 704.895.0839 for information about the Bridge Club.
November 14 (Wednesday) [Date Change] - The New Da Daytimers Book Club will meet at the home of Rita Simpson (128 South Faulkner Way) at 10:00 a.m. This month’s book selection is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Members should call Rita at 704.894.9085 if they are attending. For information about the Book Club, please call Kathy Cox at 704.895.0325.

November 19 (Monday) - Women’s Group Breakfast will be at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 9:00 a.m. If you have questions about location or need a ride, call Patti Mercer at 704.894.9411.


November 8 (Thursday) – Men’s Group Breakfast – The neighborhood men will meet at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 7:30 a.m. Please contact Bill McCoy at 704.987.1877 if you plan to attend or if you have questions about the breakfast.

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