Report fromCouncil of Stewards MeetingOctober 24, 2007 [Regular Meeting]In attendance: Tom Fischer (presiding), Teresa Furlong, Dave Stout, John Williamson, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises). There were no homeowner issues or comments. The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions: 1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Work orders are increasing compared to the nine months of the previous year. However, expense per work order is down. This is attributed to roof leaks around the flashing and ventilators of townhomes. The Architectural Review Committee is considering a request to create a standard for ventilators that would allow use of a non-mechanical, mushroom type of ventilator. Fluorescent bulbs installed over byway garage doors are not performing as well as expected. This is due primarily to use in an enclosed fixture, the outdoor environment, and the upward orientation of the bulb base. Duke Energy is being consulted regarding a recommendation. Requests have been submitted for painting front doors on some townhomes. A project to address the need on a community-wide basis is being considered, but is not perceived to be necessary at this time. 2. Finance Committee – The financial report for month ending September 30 was reviewed. Common Area and Townhome Peer Group expenses are currently over budget due to higher than normal utilities costs for increased irrigation required during the drought. The account should break even by year-end since water has been turned off due to the county restrictions that went into effect on September 26. The proposed 2008 budget was presented. A motion to approve the budget and the cover letter to be sent to all homeowners in advance of the Budget Ratification Meeting on November 13 was approved. Townhome Peer Group dues will increase $2.00 per month in 2008. This is the first increase in two years. Common Area dues will remain at current levels. 3. Property Transition Committee – No new issues to report. 4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – Continuation of the landscaping renovation project on Twain Avenue was discussed in light of the current water restrictions. The landscaping contractor has recommended going ahead with plans to complete the next unit in November. The contractor has access to a well water supply and tank trucks that could be used if further watering restrictions are imposed. The new landscaping will be installed with a drip irrigation system that will be in place for spring. Fall plantings were completed in all common areas and parks in October. 5. Architectural Review Committee – The committee has expressed growing concerns regarding late application of requests that have already been started or completed. A proposed newsletter article was reviewed. [See article on page 4.] 6. Newsletter & Website Committee – The committee continues to receive requests for a printed neighborhood directory. Due to cost ($300+) and almost immediate out-dating of information, there are no plans to print and distribute a directory. However, a formatted directory that can be printed from the website is making progress. When available, all residents and owners should be able to print a copy. Homeowners without computer access will be able to get neighbors to print a copy. The website directory will be periodically updated to provide best ongoing information. 7. Covenant Committee – Abbott continues to send letters to homeowners who are in violation of neighborhood governing documents with a focus on parking violations. Complaints continue regarding overnight parking on O. Henry Avenue.
A quote of $35 per hour plus travel expenses was presented by Abbott to provide a recording secretary in absence of a neighborhood volunteer. This is an expense of $600 per year. Efforts will continue to seek a volunteer. [See article regarding this need on page 3.]
Problems with drainage along the Wallace M. Gamble Byway were reviewed. The storm drain appears to be adequate in most cases. However, leaves and debris from the wooded area wash onto the byway during severe downpours, causing this drain to be blocked. A bid to install 170 feet of asphalt curbing (similar to that on Marler S. Tuttle, Sr. Byway behind Twain Avenue) was submitted at $1700. Further evaluation is needed. A contribution to St. Alban’s Church will be discussed at the regular meeting in December. The Finance Committee will consider a proposal to combine the annual Membership Meeting with the Budget Ratification Meeting. By-laws require that the Membership Meeting be held in third quarter. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.