St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Report from Council of Stewards Meeting
April 25, 2012 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: Dave Stout (Presiding), Celeste Colcord, Tom Fischer, Dana Sonnenberg, Jennie Clifton (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).
A townhome owner addressed the issue of inappropriate and poor selection of shrubbery materials planted as part of original landscaping for townhomes built toward the end of the development project. These issues had been previously brought to the attention of the Landscaping and Grounds Committee, but had not been addressed. The resident expressed concerns about accountability for the problem and about apparent lack of consistency in landscaping throughout the neighborhood. Additional concerns were raised regarding privacy around common areas. The owner had previously submitted a request to the ARC and Landscaping and Grounds Committee for approval of a self-landscaping project, but approval was put on hold pending additional information.
Dave Stout addressed the resident’s concerns by stating that the current COS has recognized many of the problems with landscaping and that annual projects were being conducted in order to correct obvious errors. The unit in question is scheduled to be upgraded and replanted in the fall of this year (2012). In the interim, the committee will address the request for self-landscaping (at owner’s expense) and provide examples of previous requests containing complete information.
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee [Gary Simmons, COS representative and acting chairperson] – On April 4, representatives of the COS met with Mike Fatone (Abbott Field Manager) for a quarterly walkthrough of neighborhood conditions. A list was made of items needing attention. Two issues regarding handrail safety issues were requested to be repaired as soon as possible. The quarterly meeting of the Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee was held on April 18 with Mike Fatone in attendance.
Major projects involving water drainage issues were addressed. A quote (total - $10,306) for resolution of drainage problems at 306, 308, and 312 Caldwell Lane was presented to the COS and approved. This work is expected to begin within a matter of weeks. Work at 233 North Faulkner Way and at 211 Caldwell Lane is being better defined so that quotes can be presented to the COS for approval.
The next phase of repairs noted during camera evaluation of townhome storm water drains in all byways is underway. Mike Fatone has met with a contractor to propose a solution to crushed drainage outlets and to prepare a quote for all work. Specific issues regarding blockages and pipe defects will also be addressed in this walkthrough.
The committee received two quotations for preventative roof maintenance to flashing around penetrations (total low bid - $26,790). This work was approved and awarded to Flat Creek Construction. Work is expected to start in May.
Quotations were reviewed for shutter and door painting. Due to security issues for townhome owners, the door painting has been deferred until at least the next full painting cycle. However, it was agreed that shutter painting needed to get started as soon as possible.
The question that remains is whether to apply one coat or two coats to the shutters. A test unit is being painted to determine the answer. The low bidder was Foreman’s Painting Company (total - $20,000 for two coats). This project will be approved as soon as the test is complete. Work could begin in May. [Note: Roof maintenance work and the painting project will both be applied to Townhome Reserve Funds.]
Maintenance costs are on budget for first quarter, but these numbers do not reflect the major water drainage projects that are now underway. The COS approved temporary use of reserve funds to cover the cost of this work if necessary.
Two or three new members are needed on this committee. If interested, contact Gary Simmons.
2. Finance Committee [Tom Fischer, chairperson; Dave Stout & Jill Stierli, COS representatives] – The updated financial report for March was presented. Expenses are on target to budget.
3. Property Transition Committee [Celeste Colcord, chairperson and COS representative] – Activity in the housing market and in our neighborhood is on the increase. There are currently seven single-family homes for sale. There have been three sold and one closing pending. Seven townhomes are for sale. One unit has been sold and one lease has been completed (including two casitas).
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee [Judy McLean, chairperson; Dana Sonnenberg, COS representative] – Two broken lights (one in Ashby Park and one in Forest Park) are being presented to the Town of Davidson for repair.
A request has been made by the COS to obtain quotes to replace all fencing belonging to the Association with vinyl materials. This may be cost prohibitive, but is worth investigating to reduce the costs associated with repeated painting projects.
5. Architectural Review Committee [Luann Christine, chairperson; Celeste Colcord, COS representative] – Three requests were received in the last month and all were approved.
There has been recent confusion regarding what committee should be presented with landscaping requests. In general, pure landscaping requests for single-family homes should be presented to the ARC. Pure landscaping requested for townhomes should go to the Landscape & Grounds Committee. Any request involving landscaping and architectural change and/or appearance must go before the ARC. Luann Christine will prepare a newsletter article for the July issue.
A potential future problem has recently been presented to the ARC. Due to regulated coolant changes for AC units on townhome patios, new compressors and units installed as replacements for existing units require more space than currently available. This will necessitate increased requests to move units to byways. This also may be problematic depending on available space to avoid encroachment on another owner’s property. Mike Stenhouse of the ARC will be asked to look into this issue and address potential new standards for such requests.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee [Dave Smith, editor; Steve Lee, webmaster; Bob Cameron, COS representative] – Conversion to electronic delivery by residents continues at a slow pace.
The neighborhood website was out of operation for approximately two days in March, but is now back in service and fully functional.
7. Covenant Committee [Shannon Stout, chairperson; Jill Stierli, COS representative] – The committee will proceed with plans to develop and activate notices to be placed on cars parked in violation of neighborhood covenants and restrictions. Repeat offenders will begin to receive fines following appropriate hearings before the COS.
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee [Alfred Geiger, chairpersons] – The committee is keeping in touch with the Town of Davidson regarding actions that were discussed in the December COS meeting. A second traffic study completed earlier this year revealed no changes to the study done two years ago. Street marking updates are behind schedule, but still planned during the next 60 days.
9. Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee [Dave Stout, chairperson and COS representative] – Dave Stout is still working on options for painting the white entrance fencing off Grey Road.
The volunteer committee work in Faulkner Square is expected to change plantings for spring/summer.
- Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were reviewed.
The next quarterly orientation meeting for association leaders will be held on July 9.
Abbott has initiated a work order to replace the broken light fixture in Forest Park.
- Unfinished Business – Work to repaint reserved parking pad numbers is underway by Tom Fischer and Dave Smith. Response to completed pads has been positive. The work is expected to be completed by early summer.
A question regarding responsibility for replacing burned out lights behind work units has been addressed and a request will be made to Cunnane to make arrangements to replace burned out bulbs.
- New Business – Dave Stout has contacted the “Lucky Cats” organization to address an increasing neighborhood problem with feral cats.
Another neighborhood dog attack has highlighted an old problem. Dave Stout and Dave Smith plan to set up a meeting with Chief Miller of the Davidson Police Department to discuss the issue and possible solutions. [Note: See newsletter article on page 4.]
A nominating committee will be appointed at the next meeting to find candidates for open positions on COS.
- The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
- The COS went into Executive Session following the regular meeting.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting has been rescheduled for June 27. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |