Report from the
St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Council of Stewards Meeting
April 28, 2010 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: Nancy Lingle (presiding), Sam Coleman, Kathy Cockrill, Tom Fischer, Gary Simmons, Jill Stierli, Dave Stout, Jack Christine (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).
A brief Executive Session was held to conduct a formal hearing on a Covenant violation by a homeowner. [Note: Minutes of Executive Session hearings are taken, but as the proceedings are closed, details are not presented in the newsletter summary.]
Following the resignation of Steve Kessler, Nancy Lingle has been serving as interim president. The COS elected Nancy Lingle as president for the remainder of the year and Sam Coleman, who came onto the COS to fill Steve’s term, will serve as vice-president. Jill Stierli will continue as secretary and Tom Fischer will continue as treasurer.
There were two homeowner concerns. Julie Robinson reported on the status of the Ad Hoc Safety Committee and presented a request for further action. [See committee reports below.] Kathy Cockrill presented an e-mail from a concerned resident on Clemens Place. Children have again been playing on the rocks and around the water at the Clemens Place water feature. Signage has been approved to post a warning at both the front fountain and the Clemens Place pond. Continued abuse of these features may result in closure of the pond.
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Foreman’s Painting Company has been awarded the contract to complete Phase VI of the townhome painting project. Townhomes on O. Henry are included in this year’s work. The bid also includes replacement and repair of stairway posts and caps on the south side of Harper Lee Street. These posts were showing signs of rotting wood due to use of improper materials in the original installation. Combined cost of all work is $40,265. Painting is expected to begin the week of May 17 and be complete by June 12. [See newsletter article on page 6.]
After a second reminder of termite inspection service among townhome owners, there are only 13 un-inspected units remaining. A letter will be sent to those owners who did not complete a 2009 inspection. The letter will include a reminder that these owners are liable for any damages incurred in their units or adjacent townhomes. Inspections for 2010 will begin in September. Any townhomes that are not inspected within 60 days of the start date will be subject to a fine by the Association and will be subject to a charge for any late inspection. [See newsletter article on page 6.]
At the February COS meeting, TermiTech South (now Apex Exterminating, Inc. of Troutman, NC) had recommended a booster treatment to all townhome units. This is recognized as a best practice after anywhere from 5 to 10 years following original treatment. The COS approved the booster treatment for townhomes this year at a total cost of $15,600. Work should start in May or June. [See newsletter article on page 5.]
Curbing and landscaping throughout the neighborhood has been damaged by Allied Waste vehicles making turns into and out of byways. The Town of Davidson has contacted Allied with this concern and more care will be taken on trash/recycle pick-up days. The town has agreed to make appropriate repairs. Dave Smith, member of the Townhome Building and Maintenance Committee, will coordinate this work with Doug Wright, Public Works Director for Davidson.
An issue regarding damage caused by a leaking townhome bay window was discussed. Investigation of the problem is ongoing. Investigation of this potential problem with other bay window designs is also underway.
An Executive Session of the Council of Stewards was held on March 23 to outline current and past issues with the management company, Abbott Enterprises, in regard to maintenance of townhomes. Representatives of the COS, Nancy Lingle and Gary Simmons, met with Abbott on March 24 to present these issues and to develop a procedure to resolve them. Abbott has appointed a maintenance coordinator, Kara Killette, to expedite this process and to improve response to homeowner problems. A detailed procedure has been written and presented to Abbott for agreement and signature. The process will utilize the “Component Responsibility Spreadsheet” on the Association website to provide an appropriate response and reporting protocol. When this process is finalized, a letter will be sent to townhome owners and a more detailed article will be included in the July newsletter. Effective immediately, residents reporting problems should call Abbott and ask to speak to Kara Killette (Ext. 106) or Maureen Floyd (Ext. 114). This will start the reporting and repair process.
2. Finance Committee – The financial reports for 1Q 2010 were reviewed. Expenses were positive to budget in both Peer and Common. The status of Association CD’s was presented. The Association continues to seek good investment opportunities with this money.
Abbott was asked to transfer $20,000 from Peer operating funds to reserve funds to cover the booster treatment under the termite contract. It was noted that the January reduction of reserves was due to the Caldwell Lane foundation leak repairs.
The final copy of the 2009 Reserve Study has been reviewed. A sub-committee will be formed to make recommendations regarding the direction of future assessments to cover Reserve Fund needs noted in this report. Tom Fischer will chair this sub-committee.
3. Property Transition Committee – There were no new issues to report. Work continues to adequately capture Post Office Box numbers as part of the closing process.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – A tour of the neighborhood was made by Judy McLean, Kathy Cockrill, and a representative of the landscape contractor on April 9 to develop a list of landscaping needs throughout the townhome area and to note areas where curb and yard damage was caused by Allied vehicles. Coleman Burnett, Inc. presented a quote for this work totaling $3,023.50. The COS approved all shrub replacement work and requested a hold on curb repair until the Town of Davidson could provide a response to the extent of repair covered by the town.
The landscaping contractor will be asked for quotes for the next phase of upgrade work to occur on South and North Faulkner Ways in the fall, including removal of arborvitae trees.
Final recommendations for WARNING signage to be placed at the entrance fountain and the Clemens water feature were approved by the COS at a cost of $526.
The issue of potential added maintenance and landscaping costs caused by the planting of certain plants was highlighted in the February meeting following discussion of ivy encroachment of brick in a townhome on Twain Avenue. The committee will develop a list of plants that will not be granted approval in future requests for landscape changes.
5. Architectural Review Committee – Seven requests were presented at the March meeting and all were approved.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee –The option of electronic newsletter delivery continues to grow in popularity. This is reducing the copy requirements and cost to the Association each month.
7. Covenant Committee – Letters continue to be sent regarding, parking, trash can, and yard upkeep violations. Fines will be assessed against those owners who have received a final hearing and fail to comply.
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee – Traffic striping on Fairview Lane by the Town of Davidson has been completed. The town has not agreed to install speed humps or other control devices at the town’s expense. However, the Town of Davidson has not ruled out these options at Association expense.
Julie Robinson, committee chairperson, has generated a petition seeking interest in a Traffic Calming Proposal. The committee recently met with members of the River Run HOA to discuss the speed humps and traffic calming lanes recently installed in that subdivision at homeowner expense. The proposal at this time includes speed humps on Fairview Lane, Wolfe Street/O. Henry Avenue, and Conroy Avenue. An engineer from the Town of Davidson would be required to give final approval to any proposal. [See newsletter article on page 4.]
- Management Report – The Aging Report was reviewed. Foreclosure on one townhome on Twain Avenue has been completed. An individual request to wave late fees and interest was granted in light of a positive past history of making payments on time.
- Unfinished Business – Covered in reports.
- New Business – Nancy Lingle, Dave Stout, and Kathy Cockrill attended the recent seminar held at Abbott Enterprises for Homeowner Association (HOA) representatives and officers. Feedback was very positive.
- The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 23. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |