Service Messages and People Needing Help
Good Neighbors’ Service
If anyone in the neighborhood has difficulty getting to the post office, grocery store, dry cleaners, etc., during inclement weather or due to an illness or disability, there is a group of your neighbors who stand ready to make that trip for you. Please call Dave Smith (704.987.1472) if you wish to be included on the website list.
An updated list is online if you're logged in to the members' area.
Looking for Local Information?
Davidson News at is a start-up community news website staffed by volunteers. It is updated daily with original news-gathering, citizen contributions, and links to other sites to help you stay informed. Contact David Boraks by e-mail at to be placed on the contact list or to submit information about your organization. does have monthly Internet and business expenses. Please help continue to provide timely and informative news and information to Davidson residents. Many of our neighbors have made contributions. If you are interested, please visit
Spring Pine Needle Sale
Cornelius Presbyterian Church is now accepting orders for the annual Spring Pine Needle Sale. The cost is only $5.00 per bale for high quality, clean Florida pine needles. As an added bonus, the cost includes delivery directly to your home! Delivery is guaranteed by Saturday, March 10th. Reservations are necessary since quantities are limited. Orders may be submitted by calling the office of Cornelius Presbyterian Church at 704-892-5577 or through e-mail at For any additional information or questions, please contact neighbors Lewis Deaton or Jon Guttmann at 704.892.1923.
Cornelius Presbyterian Church was established in 1909 and is located at the corner of Catawba Avenue and Church Street in Cornelius, just east of I-77 at Exit 28.
Non-Working Street Lights
Our neighbors, Dave and Shannon Stout (O. Henry Avenue) have volunteered to identify non-working street lights during their evening walks and to notify Duke Power. If you notice a non-working street light, you can contact Duke Power directly or just notify Dave and Shannon at 704.895.9117.
If you wish to report a non-working street light directly to Duke Energy, call 1.800.777.9898 or report the outage through the web address at The light should also be marked with colored tape or ribbon. This marking helps to eliminate duplicate calls and reports by other neighbors.
Vial of Life
The American Senior Safety Agency, based in California, has an ongoing project called Vial of Life: Medical Alarms for Seniors. This agency as a charity distributes a small packet which includes a medical alert sticker, a magnetized refrigerator vinyl holder, and a medical information form. The sticker can be affixed to the front window or door in a visible location. It alerts first responders (medical, fire, etc.) that there is an information packet on the refrigerator containing key medical history. This packet (approximately 4” x 5”) can be ordered at no charge from the Senior Safety Agency at 1.888.931.1010. This would be particularly good for Seniors living alone or with special medical problems and needs.
If larger clubs or organizations are interested, visit the website at There is a donation requested for large orders from organizations.
The Vial of Life speaks for you when you can’t speak or don’t feel well.
Protect yourself, and all of your family members . . . all it will cost you is a little time. And it could save your life!
Lost & Found Service
If you have lost a pet or misplaced something, I will be glad to mention it in the newsletter. If an item is found, let me know and I will make inquiry in the next newsletter issue.