Living in the Neighborhood

Update on Town of Davidson Work

In the January-February issue of the newsletter, an article outlining Town of Davidson plans for street safety was included. Most of the road markings have faded and are barely visible and not effective. The town was going to repaint these markings throughout the neighborhood in January, but has fallen behind schedule. Doug Wright, Director of Public Works, has stated that this work will be done in March or April due to schedule changes and weather issues. The town will typically provide door hangers to advise residents not to park on the street during the painting day.

The town has also started replacement of trees that have died in the neighborhood. Trees that line our streets, between the sidewalk and the road, belong to the Town of Davidson, and are maintained by them. Two trees on Clemens Place remain to be replaced. Much work to improve the appearance of Faulkner Square has already been completed.

The town appreciates your patience as they continue to make improvements within tight budget and schedule limitations.

Want to See the 2009 Traffic Study?

The complete study, including all attachments, has been downloaded to the neighborhood website. Visit and click on “Traffic Study Report” on the home page tabs.


On a Sad Note . . . In Memory of Mary Jane McConnell

The name McConnell appears repeatedly in the history of the Town of Davidson and Davidson College. Mary Jane McConnell spoke to me in 2005 and said that years before the town and college were founded, four McConnell brothers came to America from Scotland. One suspects this to be the beginning of the family tree, but all of its branches are not clearly defined! McConnells have been teachers and benefactors for Davidson College and owned the property where McConnell neighborhood now stands before selling or giving it to Davidson College.

Drs. Claude H. and Mary Jane McConnell were close residents to our neighborhood as they lived in the white house that can be seen from Conroy Avenue. Their driveway actually connects to Grey Road. Doug Boone purchased fifteen acres of land from the McConnells for part of our development.

Claude and Mary Jane moved to this area in 1953 and were both optometrists in Mooresville. Claude was originally from Tennessee and Mary Jane was from Illinois. Their home on Grey Road was not their first. They lived earlier in a home at the corner of Dogwood Road and Grey Road. They also built and lived in the large brick home at 201 Conroy Avenue, just across from where Caldwell Lane tees into Conroy. The McConnells have three children, two daughters and a son. One of the daughters, who now lives in upstate New York, competitively rode horses while living here in Davidson. The property that was sold to Doug Boone originally had riding trails and a riding ring along with a barn for the horses. The second daughter owns a portion of the remaining 8.5 acres of land. She and the McConnells’ son both now live in the Charlotte area.

Our neighbor, Meredith Jennings, was a personal friend of Mary Jane and knew her to be a great lady with a good sense of humor. Meredith’s house apparently was built on the property where the riding ring was originally built. Mary Jane would often ask her, “How is the riding ring doing today?”
Sadly, Mary Jane McConnell passed away on January 6. Please keep Claude and the family in your thoughts. Her family name will forever be remembered on our neighborhood byway names.
Thank you, Meredith Jennings, for making us aware of her passing.

Note: With the exception of Fairview and Caldwell Lanes, the primary streets and roads throughout the neighborhood are named after Southern authors and writers. The narrow “byways” are all named for local people who were in the chain of title for property purchased for the New Neighborhood. Starting in 2005, the newsletter featured the history behind the authors and community figures that are named for our roads and byways. You can find these articles under a separate tab on the neighborhood home page.

For Animal Lovers in Our Neighborhood

Did you know that the closest animal shelter to the Town of Davidson is the Cornelius Animal Shelter? It is a fairly new shelter and staffed by two Animal Control Officers and a small but dedicated group of volunteers. The officers are very busy and rely heavily upon the volunteers for animal care, shelter maintenance, animal socialization, dog walking, etc. They also rely heavily upon donations of food, toys, bedding, and other miscellaneous items to keep the shelter going. Being a small shelter, they are able to keep many of the rescued animals much longer than other animal shelters typically can and provide a safe and loving environment. It is an upbeat setting and no animals are put down at the facility. Originally the shelter was to be a collaboration between the towns of Cornelius, Davidson and Huntersville. Due to budget constraints, the towns of Davidson and Huntersville had to pull out of the arrangement and currently contract with Mecklenburg County Animal Control in Charlotte. It is still hoped that our Town of Davidson will be able to eventually enter back into the agreement and residents can have a shelter closer to home.

Photos and additional information will be posted on our neighborhood website in the near future. There is also talk about starting some type of blog on the website to post missing animal notices, potential animal safety issues, and helpful tips right here in our neighborhood.  Currently you should check the Town of Davidson website for missing animal notices and similar information. Our Davidson Police Department tries hard to rescue missing animals and find the owners prior to releasing them to the Mecklenburg Animal Control Group. However, they can only keep animals for a short time and it is a long way to the Charlotte location to retrieve an animal. Any support you can provide to the Cornelius Animal Shelter will be greatly appreciated and help find loving homes for these deserving furry friends.

If you are interested in volunteering at the shelter, helping to find homes for the wonderful pets that are housed there, or possibly looking for a furry family member yourself, please consider the Cornelius Animal Shelter. They have a very limited budget and staff and are unable to participate in many of the “pet fairs“ and other venues to get the animals out for adoption. They rely mainly upon their website, a small advertisement in the local weekly newspapers, and an occasional trailer on some of the public television stations to communicate. Please call them at 704.237.3602 or visit their website at www.corneliuspd,org. Call Dave and Shannon Stout in our neighborhood at 704-895-9117 for further details. There are many beautiful and loving animals that are just waiting for a home and family to love, and be loved by them.

Thank you, Dave & Shannon Stout, for submitting this article and providing an important voice for all of our pets. Dave & Shannon are both volunteers, but so much more help is needed!

2012 Yard-of-the-Month Season to Begin

Spring is here! Yard-of-the-Month judging begins at the end of April for the month of May and will continue through October. Winners are selected among single-family homes. Display the “Star of Excellence” in your yard in 2012!

The criteria established by the Selection Committee (representatives from the neighborhood) are listed below. The total exterior appearance of the yard, including the planting strip between the sidewalk and the street, should be one of neatness and visually appealing as evidenced by:

  • Mowed and edged lawns.
  • Planting beds that are mulched and weed-free.
  • Pruned shrubs and trees.
  • Effective use of seasonal color through plantings of annuals and/or perennials.
  • Plantings in scale to size of yard.
  • No trash, junk, or dead plant/grass material.

If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Judy McLean, at 704.895.0940.

Schedule for Mulching

The neighborhood landscaping contractor has stated that refreshing of all mulch in townhome and common areas will occur in April following Easter. If you are going to plant flowers for spring and summer, please keep this schedule in mind. Although the landscaping crew tries to work around delicate new growth, spreading mulch may damage some flowers that are just ready to bud or have already made their annual appearance.

Townhome Maitenance Alert

The newsletter frequently reports on issues that may be common to other residents in New Neighborhood. Within the last month, there was a leaking incident in one of the townhomes that bears particular note and falls into this category.

A fitting to the cold water line under a master bathroom sink became loose and popped open. Although the exact cause is not known, the recent increase in water pressure from Charlotte-Mecklenburg may have contributed to the problem. The owners were not at home and the leak spilled water into the bathroom. Although the water did not spill into the carpeted bedroom, it did find outlet under the wall into a neighbor’s patio and was first seen flowing out the byway drain from that enclosed patio drain. Another resident spotted the problem, turned the water off at the street, and called the owner.

It should be noted that this type of incident is not common, but does happen. It is suggested that all residents periodically check sink and bathroom fittings to insure that they are not loose. Do not take a wrench and further tighten. A hand check is sufficient to determine if a fitting is loose.

It is particularly important for townhome owners to check often. A leak in one unit can easily create damage in another unit. This has occurred on two or three occasions where storm water drains on closed patios backed up and caused damage to the adjoining unit. [Note: This incident led to the storm water drain checks and maintenance that started in 2010.]

Be aware! Help prevent damage to your home and possibly your next door neighbor’s home!

Go Green! – Receive Your Newsletter via E-Mail!

Please consider receiving the newsletter by e-mail and save on Association costs and delivery times. If interested, e-mail Dave Smith at and give your name, street address, and e-mail. Your newsletter will be delivered earlier and in color!

Don’t delay. Sign-up today!

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

A special “Thank You” is always due our delivery volunteers! Although the mild winter has made things a little easier for our workers, you can make their job even easier by having your newsletter delivered by e-mail. The January-February team included: Adria & Woody Appleby, Harold & Paula Bell, Bob & Deb Cameron, Barbara Dillman, Tom & Shirley Fischer, Anne Jerands, Nancy & Sherman Kahn, Eileen Mason, and Dave Smith. New volunteers are always welcome.

If you wish to help, call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 or e-mail at




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