Report from Council of Stewards Meeting

February 23, 2011 [Regular Meeting]

In attendance: Sam Coleman (presiding), Tom Fischer, Nancy Lingle (Acting Secretary), Gary Simmons, Dave Stout, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

There were no homeowner complaints or concerns.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee [Gary Simmons, COS representative and acting chairperson] – No unusual maintenance requests have been received and costs are to budget in early 2011.

Members of the committee and Judy McLean of the Landscaping & Grounds Committee met on February 22 to survey drainage lines along John W. McConnell Byway and Susan T. Goodrum Byway. The survey is a preliminary action to a project to investigate and upgrade the integrity of storm drain lines for patios and gutters on all byways. [See newsletter article on pages 3&4.] A verbal quote of $2,000 was received to take video camera shots of all drains on these two byways (total of 75 units). This work will be completed before an assessment can be made of project scope. A number of potential problems were noted, including several units that appeared to have no outlet drainage.

Abbott is nearing completion of a survey system to obtain feedback from residents upon completion of maintenance work orders.

2.  Finance Committee [Tom Fischer, chairperson; Sam Coleman, COS representative] – The financial report for 2010 year-end was presented to COS members. Common operating expenses and revenues were both slightly positive to budget. Peer Group revenues were slightly positive to budget (1%), but operating expenses were negative to budget (11%). The problem appears to be flood damage costs from last August that have not yet been moved to Peer Reserve expenses. Based on 2010 actual costs, an increase in the maintenance budget for 2012 will be investigated due to the increasing age of units.

Following notification by the Association insurance carrier that additional fencing will be required around the Grey Road Park, an investigation of options with the Town of Davidson was completed. The issue is liability regarding the tree house. The town is not interested in the tree house for other parks or in taking over Grey Road Park at this time. Options regarding removal of the wooden structure, including donation and/or sale, will be investigated. To avoid excessive insurance costs, the structure will be removed.

3.  Property Transition Committee [Nancy Lingle, chairperson and COS representative] – Abbott has created an on-line form for realtors that will help eliminate the ambiguity regarding post office box numbers at closing time.

Anne Jerands has agreed to join the committee with Nancy Lingle. A return to the practice of issuing information packets to new owners and residents is being reviewed.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee [Judy McLean, chairperson; Charlie Huffine, COS representative] – A schedule for landscaping upgrades to the rest of the neighborhood was reviewed. Caldwell Lane and St. Alban’s Lane are scheduled for late-2011. Harper Lee Street will be completed in 2012/2013 and O. Henry Avenue will be addressed in 2014.

Requests for landscaping changes from several residents were reviewed by the committee and presented to the COS. A request by two residents to remove trees that were planted inside the sidewalk line on St. Alban’s Lane was denied. A request by another townhome owner regarding removal of a crepe myrtle will require a detailed plan to be submitted to the committee for approval.

5.  Architectural Review Committee [Luann Christine, chairperson; Dave Stout, COS representative] – Three shutter replacement requests were presented and approved at the February meeting. Shutter problems have been a recurring and expensive issue among single-family homeowners. The committee is working on a standard for vinyl shutters that will give residents a cheaper option for replacement of ones that are damaged. This standard will be made available on the neighborhood website when completed and approved.

One request for landscaping changes was denied pending more information. A request to construct an attached “sun room” to the existing house was approved.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee [Dave Smith, editor; Steve Lee, webmaster; Nancy Lingle, COS representative] –The option of electronic newsletter delivery will be a top priority in 2011. Requests for such delivery have been slow to develop.

7.  Covenant Committee [Shannon Stout, chairperson; Jill Stierli, COS representative] – A concerned resident has voiced a complaint regarding a construction trailer that has been parked on the street for several weeks. The issue goes to both covenant violations and basic safety, including limited emergency access. A letter to the owner has been sent from Abbott.

Sam Coleman has requested that the Covenant Committee address Covenant, By-Law, and Cannons of Conduct issues regarding authority of the COS to levy fines for violations, including a possible fine structure for failure to complete an annual termite inspection.

8.  Ad Hoc Safety Committee [Julie Robinson & Alfred Geiger, co-chairpersons] – No update.

9.  Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee [Dave Stout, chairperson and COS representative] – The committee will set-up a notification process for volunteers and a detailed list of items needed by spring. No further update was discussed.

  • Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were reviewed.
  • Unfinished Business – A request was made to review and complete the Maintenance Work Order Process Resolution at the next meeting of the committee.
  • New Business – No new business was discussed other than that previously covered in committee reports.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on April 27, 2011.

If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting.


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