St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

March Newsletter
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Service Messages

Good Neighbor’s Service

If anyone in the neighborhood has difficulty getting to the post office, grocery store, dry cleaners, etc., during inclement weather or due to an illness or disability, there is a group of your neighbors who stand ready to make that trip for you. If you need assistance call anyone on the list found in the print version of the newsletter.

Please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 if you wish to be added to the list.

Spring Pine Needle Sale

The Men of the Church group at Cornelius Presbyterian Church is now accepting orders for its sixth annual Spring Pine Needle Sale. The cost is only $4.95 per bale for high quality, clean, fresh long-needle Florida pine needles. As an added bonus, the cost includes delivery directly to your home! Reservations are necessary since quantities are limited. Orders may be submitted by calling the office of Cornelius Presbyterian Church at 704-892-5577. For any additional information or questions, please contact neighbors Lewis Deaton or Jon Guttman at 704.987.0845.

Cornelius Presbyterian Church, established in 1909, is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The church is located at the corner of Catawba Avenue and Church Street in Cornelius, just east of I-77 at Exit 28.

Single-family homeowners can get a head-start on spring lawn care and maintenance.

Looking for Local Information?

Davidson News and Notes at is a volunteer community information project that combines original news-gathering, citizen contributions, and links to other sites to help you stay informed. Contact David Boraks at to be placed on the contact list or to submit information about your organization.