Report from
Council of Stewards Meeting
February 22, 2006 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: Tom Fischer, Virginia Hart, Norm Reid, Sherman Kahn,
David Smith, Vera Victorino (Abbott), and Donna Howell (Recording
The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- There were no homeowner questions or issues.
- Leigh Ann Hamic and Teresa Furlong, volunteers for SPINN 2006,
attended the meeting at the request of the Council of Stewards.
The purpose was to discuss preliminary plans for the spring neighborhood
party and to establish guidelines regarding total budget and payment
of expenses. The date has been set for Saturday, June 3, with a
rainout date of Sunday, June 4. Dave Smith will act as liaison
between the SPINN Committee volunteers and the COS. [See
newsletter article.]
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Finance Committee – Financial statements
for period ending January 31, 2006 were available.
The Finance Committee met recently with Abbott Enterprises to discuss
and clarify a variety of bookkeeping issues.
Townhome and Common Area surplus amounts from 2005 will be transferred
to reserve accounts.
Following a discussion at the December meeting regarding protection
of reserve funds, the Association discussed liability insurance coverage
with Traveler’s Insurance. Since $150,000 of the reserve funds
are invested in Merrill Lynch CDs, this amount is secure. Of the
remaining amount in reserve funds, $200,000 is protected by Abbott’s
liability coverage. The Association will purchase extra coverage
to protect an addition $250,000. This amount will be adjusted upward
as appropriate in the future.
2. Property Transition Committee – No report.
Abbott recently e-mailed updated owner-resident information to COS
members. This information should be verified and corrections made
by going to the Abbott Enterprises website. If residents do not have
a password to access their information, please contact Vera Victorino
at Abbott (704.527.2314). [See newsletter
3. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Pressure
washing of townhome units (courtesy of The Cunnane Group) was completed on
February 15. Some paint flaking occurred during the pressure washing, but only
minor damage was caused by the project. Steps are underway to provide touch-up
and repair as needed. The COS will send a letter of appreciation to Lance Cunnane
for this cleaning.
Plans are underway for the next major painting project to be started
this spring. Most likely, the painting this year will include all
of the buildings on South Faulkner Way, the porch banisters on North
Faulkner Way, most of the Casita staircases on North Faulkner Way
and Harper Lee Street, plus touch-up on several of the remaining
units. A recommendation and bid is expected by March 3.
A survey of kick plates (and associated door hardware) on the front
doors of all townhomes will be completed in the next several months
to determine needs. A recommendation will then be made to the Council
of Stewards.
A recommendation for new categories for reserve funds has been accepted
by the Finance Committee. This change is necessary to better account
for and track expenses. Monthly contributions to reserve funds will
be distributed as follows:
Painting |
15% |
Roof |
40% |
Building and Adjuncts |
35% |
Grounds Components |
5% |
Neighborhood Features |
3% |
General Reserve |
2% |
4. Landscape & Grounds
Committee – Maintenance
of the St. Alban’s Square fountain and the Clemens Place water
feature will be contracted to Norwood Creek Water Gardens of Statesville.
Damage to the foundation of the sidewalk from water washout at the
wooden foot bridge off Harper Lee Street has been repaired by Contemporary
During a January ice storm, young pine trees were damaged along the
Marler S. Tuttle Sr. and Miriam G. Tuttle Byways behind St. Alban’s
Church. Although these trees are technically on church property,
they were planted by the Founder as a neighborhood landscape enhancement
and for erosion control. The Landscape & Grounds Committee felt
repair of this screen is in the best interest of the Association
and recommended repair since the church was unable to fund the $1285
estimate from Contemporary Landscapes. The COS was in agreement and
approved this expenditure. [NOTE: The damage was repaired and
weak trees staked by the end of the week.]
Plans have been completed for a Yard-of-the-Month contest for single
family homes to begin in April and run through November.
[See newsletter article.]
Spreading of new mulch in the off-leash dog park and gravel piles
in the parking areas will be completed soon. [NOTE: Doug
Boone and neighborhood volunteers completed this work by the end
of the week.]
5. Architectural Review Committee – Luann Christine
presented a request from The Cunnane Group for permission to install mailboxes
for the business units located at St. Alban’s Square. The Post Office
will install the box behind the office of Market Properties on Wallace M. Gamble
Byway. The boxes will be configured as one unit with all of the boxes facing
the byway. The unit will have low visibility from the street and will create
a screen for the HVAC units and trash cans at the back of the building. A motion
was made and approved to grant Cunnane’s request. [The
COS has made it clear that this request has been granted due to the
unique problems encountered by businesses with delivery only to a
P.O. Box. This will not “open the
door” for residents to consider similar installations for
personal delivery.]
6. Newsletter & Website Committee – Total
newsletter copies remains at 300/month. Costs have been decreased
by $50 to $80 each month in 2006 over expenses in 2005.
7. Covenant Committee – No report.
- Old Business – The previously approved
resolution (December, 2005) converting the Association’s
accounting system from accrual to cash basis was signed by
Sherman Kahn, Secretary.
- New Business - Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises)
presented the Management Action Log for December, 2005 - February,
2006. A copy of a revised collection policy was also distributed.
The only policy change was the addition of a new step (15-Day Pre-Lien
Letter) in the collection process in order to bring Association
policies in line with the North Carolina Planned Community Act.
A motion was made and passed to accept the revised collection policy.
[See newsletter article and the new policy
A letter was received from a resident who disputed a late maintenance
fee charge to their account. Following discussion of the facts, the
request for removal of this fee was denied. However, the interest
amount, calculated in error, will be corrected.
Sherman Kahn reported
that efforts have been made to recruit a new facilitator for the
Neighborhood Discussion Group. Discussions are continuing with St.
Alban’s Church regarding the possibility
of a joint discussion group.
- The Council adjourned the regular meeting and went into executive
session. Virginia Hart will be moving from the neighborhood later
this summer and has resigned from the COS. The nomination of David
Stout to fill her unexpired term was approved.
The Council of Stewards wishes to express their gratitude
to Virginia Hart for her service to the Association. We are
losing a faithful steward and a good neighbor. The entire neighborhood
wishes to extend Virginia and John the very best on their move
and new life in South Carolina. |
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets
regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in
St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special
meetings are called as needed throughout the year. Meetings are open
to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on
April 26, 2006. |