St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

June Newsletter
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Spring Party in New Neighborhood Pictures

Saturday, May 21 – 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Find great volunteers; pick a quiet spring day in May; order up lots of sun and low humidity; add lots of children’s activities (including one fire truck and a way to get wet); serve lots of good chicken, salads, vegetables, and drinks; bring large quantities of dessert; throw in music, Bingo, and prizes; and finally - invite the neighbors! And what does that make? Fun and a very successful SPINN 2005 in New Neighborhood.

Attendance was estimated at around 300+ for the spring party this year, perhaps more if you count all the kids that came and went during the activities. A good time was had by all and many neighbors got to meet new neighbors for the first time.

We owe many thanks to our volunteers this year - in particular, Celia & Jeff Felthaus who organized the entire event (with much delegation), Bob & Jo Herman who were also primary planners (with a rumor that Bob was in charge of weather), and Steve & Kathy Watts who organized a great array of children’s games and activities. Doug Boone, our Neighborhood Founder, also helped greatly with planning and execution (much of it behind the scenes). Other key volunteers include Ashley Felthaus, Tom Fischer, Brian & Theresa Furlong, Steve & Tina Baker (name tags), John Williamson, Tom Hamic, Arvind Patil, Bill Panza (especially as a past planner and volunteer), and Rev. Steve Lee.
Donations of supplies and materials came from Rubbermaid (Brian Furlong), Pepsi (Lesley Swartz), Extravaganza Events and Props (Ashley Felthaus), and Ben and Jerry’s here in Davidson. Thanks go to the Town of Davidson Fire Department for bringing one of their trucks for the kids to enjoy. Please thank each of these folks personally if you have the opportunity.

We want to again thank all of our volunteers for a job well done! We would be remiss if we did not extend one more word of thanks. Brian and Theresa Furlong have agreed to be the organizers for SPINN 2006. Let’s try to break this year’s record with an attendance of 500 next year!

Pictures were furnished by Doug Boone and Dave Smith. There were so many good pictures that they could not all be displayed in the newsletter. Doug Boone is planning to mount color prints of all pictures on art board and display them in the widows of Main Street Mortgage, one of our workplace neighbors just under his office on St. Alban’s Square.