Report from the
St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Council of Stewards Meeting
June 23, 2010 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: Nancy Lingle (presiding), Sam Coleman, Kathy Cockrill, Tom Fischer, Gary Simmons, Jill Stierli (Secretary), Dave Stout, and Maureen Floyd (Abbott Enterprises, Community Assistant).
There was one homeowner concern regarding an apparent billing error and subsequent late payment charges. The error has been corrected, but there is still a question regarding how the problem occurred.
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Foreman’s Painting Company has now completed Phase VI of the townhome painting project. Townhomes on O. Henry were included in this year’s work. Carpentry work was more extensive than in other years and some delays were encountered as the result of emergency work and weather, but the final job displayed the excellent quality seen by Foreman’s Painting in the past. Carpentry work and painting of porch railing supports on Harper Lee Street remain.
The booster treatment for termite control by Apex Exterminating, Inc. of Troutman (formerly TermiTech South of Charlotte) has been completed for all townhome units. Annual inspections will begin in September this year.
Committee member Dave Smith presented a list of miscellaneous issues (including landscaping needs and damaged curbs) that have not been addressed by the Town of Davidson. This list was reviewed with Doug Wright, Davidson Public Works Director, in a walk-through of the neighborhood on May 11. The curb repairs and road maintenance may possibly be addressed this year if stimulus monies can be earmarked for this work. However, park maintenance, painting of arbors, fence repair and painting needs, replacement of dead trees, and planting of seasonal color in park areas are unlikely to be done this year or in the near future due to budget restraints. Gary Simmons and Dave Stout have agreed to chair an ad hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee to define needs and develop plans for addressing these needs. [See newsletter article on pages 5 & 6.]
An issue regarding damage to wood flooring caused by a leaking townhome bay window has been reviewed in regard to liability under the Association insurance. It has been determined that the policy does not cover damage to the interior of any building or structure or to personal property in the building as the result of roof leaks unless the building sustains damage by a Covered Cause of Loss to the roof. There are other exclusion clauses in the policy, but in simple terms, the owner is responsible for covering such damage under a personal HO-6 policy which should include contents. (Townhome owners are encouraged to review their policies in regard to coverage of contents as the result of catastrophic causes such as fire or water from a plumping failure. In some cases, the amount of coverage for such events may need to be increased.) This does not affect the Association repair of roof leaks and the repair of minor ceiling damage from water spotting by such leaks.
Work orders are on target with budget. Discussion continues in regard to a detailed procedure for handing all work orders and for prioritizing repair requests. This procedure was presented to Abbott Enterprises in April and has basically been implemented. However, fine tuning remains and a final vote on the process by the COS will occur at the August meeting. Abbott has appointed a maintenance coordinator, Kara Killette, to expedite this process and to improve response to homeowner problems. The process will utilize the “Component Responsibility Spreadsheet” on the Association website to provide an appropriate response and reporting protocol. When this process is finalized, a letter will be sent to townhome owners. Residents should continue reporting problems by calling Abbott and speaking to Kara Killette (Ext. 106) or Maureen Floyd (Ext. 114). This will initiate the most efficient repair process.
Short and long-term maintenance of drainage issues in townhome patio areas is under review. Immediate problems will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
A request for a work order history summary report has been made by the committee to Abbott. Software for such a summary has not yet been put in place.
2. Finance Committee – The financial reports for May 2010 were reviewed. Expenses are on target to budget in both Peer and Common. The status of Association CD’s was presented. The Association continues to seek good investment opportunities with this money, but has preferred maturity spans of no more than one year due to the rapidly changing interest rates in the current economic situation.
The Reserve Study Committee has met twice in the last six weeks to review recommendations for building reserve funds to fully cover future big maintenance items such as roof replacement. To date, the Association has not increased reserve funding in any year since the development was founded. However, an annual increase is likely necessary to meet peak requirements and to meet potential future requirements by the state of North Carolina to provide a minimum “percentage funded” amount. A presentation will be made at the August 25 COS meeting and a final recommendation presented at the Annual Membership Meeting in September.
3. Property Transition Committee – Economic and real estate numbers indicate that property does appear to be selling better in our neighborhood. Foreclosure on a townhome unit on O. Henry has successfully been completed.
To avoid billing problems through Abbott and general problems with official mail, residents are again reminded of the importance of making sure that post office box numbers are listed and correct in Abbott and Association databases. [See newsletter article on page 6.]
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – A quotation for $51,762.50 was approved for landscape upgrades to townhomes on North and South Faulkner Ways. This work includes removal of overgrown arborvitae trees in the front of many of these units. This project will also change the irrigation system for shrubs from spray-type to drip-type, a more efficient means of watering. Work will begin in late fall.
The continuing problem of poor park maintenance due to a restricted Town of Davidson budget was discussed in detail. The issue is particularly evident in Faulkner Square. Monies from Common operating expenses (approximately $1600) were approved to immediately contract Coleman Landscaping to clean-up and trim the park and provide fresh pine needles for moisture control around shrubs and trees. Further work to provide seasonal color and to provide fall fertilization and aeration will be revisited at the August COS meeting. Providing an annual budget for work in Faulkner Square will also be discussed at that meeting. Some work may be assigned to the ad hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee to meet some requirements by using volunteers to provide labor. [See newsletter article on pages 5 & 6.]
Although the Town of Davidson has agreed to repair curbs and yards damaged by waste trucks, the COS has decided to take a more pro-active approach to the problem. Money was approved to repair and re-seed lawns at these corners and, where appropriate, to place large landscaping boulders to discourage trucks from making sharp turns in the future.
WARNING signage for the entrance fountain and the Clemens Place water feature have been purchased and installed as per approval at the May meeting.
5. Architectural Review Committee – Two previously deferred requests were revisited and approved at the May meeting. There were no new requests at that session.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee –The option of electronic newsletter delivery continues to grow in popularity. This is reducing the copy requirements and cost to the Association each month.
7. Covenant Committee – Letters continue to be sent regarding violations. Fines will be assessed against those owners who have received a final hearing and fail to comply.
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee – There were no new updates presented at the meeting.
- Management Report – The Aging Report was reviewed. Association foreclosure on one townhome is under consideration as the result of excessively high unpaid assessment costs. There was no Management Action Log presented in Vera’s absence.
Maureen Floyd will be the Association contact at Abbott while Vera Victorino is on Maternity Leave.
- Unfinished Business – Covered in reports.
- New Business – No new business was presented.
- The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on August 25. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |