SPECIAL REMINDERSingle-family homeowner semi-annual assessments are due on July 1. Payments not received within thirty (30) days will incur late fees and possible additional charges. |
On June 2, residents were treated to a very successful SPINN 2007. Attendance this year was just over 200, and included many members of our Davidson Police and Fire Departments. Many thanks go to Corporal Scott Searcy for bringing Ike, canine member of the department. Thanks also to the Fire Department for bringing one of their trucks, a favorite with the kids. Don Saul (Accounts Payable) and his wife represented Abbott Enterprises and enjoyed the festivities.
There are many people who helped put this year’s party together and we don’t want to leave anyone out. Adria & Woody Appleby chaired this year’s planning committee which included Norma Stewart, Teresa & Brian Furlong (chairpersons in 2006), Dave Smith, Shannon Mclean & Dave Stout, Steve & Kathy Watts, and Shannon Boyle Sukits.
Children’s activities were again planned and set-up by Kathy & Steve Watts. This is a repeat year of their involvement with this activity and again, the games and fun were outstanding! There were a lot of folks helping with the children’s games, including John & Shannon Boyle Sukits, Bob & Jo Herman, and Teresa & Brian Furlong. Some of our responsible neighborhood kids also conducted the cake walk and face painting activities. These kids included Kathy’s three children, Suzy, Emma & Will, and Hannah Kirven.
All participants had to meet our greeters, Barbara Doster and Anne Jerands, in order to get a ticket for the prize drawings. Both of these fine ladies went the course and Barbara even helped with serving the food at dinner time.
And what would an old-fashioned family picnic be without good cooks. Serving as the “Three Musketeers” (and potential chef applicants for Hell’s Kitchen) were Woody Appleby, Norm Richards, and Brian Furlong. Several offers to relieve these gentlemen of their duties were made, but the three men preferred to remain as one team! They did a great job.
Adria Appleby, Barbara Doster, Teresa Furlong, and Norma Stewart helped serve the food.
Adria Appleby handled all of the permitting requirements from the Davidson Parks & Recreation Department and Woody Appleby set-up the area around Faulkner Square, including the flags and balloons. He made more than one trip back and forth to his townhome to distribute garbage containers and supplies. As mentioned at the party, this was a special day for Woody – his birthday!
Bill Giduz, News Director for Davidson College, provided his services as a master juggler during the children’s activities. It was reported that even some of the adults may have attempted this activity.
With the change in format this year, SPINN featured a live Bluegrass Band, Kent Dowell & Friends. Kent could not attend, but his “friends” provided excellent entertainment. Attendees were unanimously in favor of having live entertainment throughout the party.
The neighborhood owes a great deal of thanks to Norma Stewart this year for her efforts in obtaining donations in cash and gifts for door prizes. Several of our sponsors deserve special recognition. Market Properties Inc. donated $300 toward the Bluegrass Band. Knox Realty gave a gift of $250 to cover one of the tents, and Doug Boone, our Founder and owner of Boone Properties Inc., donated $250 for the other tent. Doug Boone helped to set-up the water activities in Faulkner Square again this year as well.
Special thanks go to Ross & Witmer Inc. (Heating and Air Conditioning) in Huntersville for donation of use of their giant grill for cooking those wonderful hamburgers and hot dogs. As if the grill was not enough, the company also furnished all the propane and delivered and picked-up the equipment. Please consider them in your future HVAC needs.
Other businesses providing gift certificates and merchandise included Pepsi (drinks and sodas in many of the coolers), Main Street Books, Wooden Stone, The Soda Shop, Nails Up & Spa (Huntersville), Paperlilly, Ben & Jerry’s, Classic Bride, Ace Hardware, White Chiropractic (a gift certificate for free exam and evaluation), Shirley Rico (watercolorist), and Harris Teeter (balloons). The Home Economist donated a gorgeous basket of goodies for one of our prizes.
If you should visit one of these businesses, please be sure to express your thanks for their contribution to SPINN 2007.
The donations and gifts by our sponsors allowed us to have a quality party at much less expense to the Association this year. Please enjoy some of the many pictures of fun. As last year, Steve Lee will include more pictures for everyone to enjoy on the website.
A new event this year - Kid’s
Cake Walk |
What’s a kid to do? |
Juggling was a big hit! Fun level high, Skill level low! |
Residents enjoyed the live Bluegrass Band. The kids found plenty of dancing room on the stage. |
“The Three Amigos” (our very own “Chefs-in-Residence”) did an outstanding job of cooking the burgers and dogs. Norman Richards is in the foreground; Woody Appleby is in the middle; and Brian Furlong is holding up the rear slot. These fine cooks worked all evening to prepare a very successful main course. They just did not want to separate the chemistry of fine cuisine-by-committee! Is there a restaurant in town looking for a new executive chef? (I see three candidates.) Again, many thanks go to Ross & Witmer Inc. (Heating and Air Conditioning) in Huntersville for donation of use of their giant grill and propane for the event. |
Who says you can’t have elegance and fine dining at a family picnic? “Waiter, I’m ready to order now.” |
Faulkner Square was full of good neighbors, happy kids, and good times for all! |
There are many more pictures of SPINN 2007. Sometime during July, you will be able to find them on the website at www.stalbanssq.org. As always, thanks go to Steve Lee, our webmaster, for creating a great site for the neighborhood.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED NOW FOR NEXT YEAR!It may seem too early to begin planning for next year, but because of Town of Davidson Parks & Recreation Department requirements, the Association must submit necessary permits about two months earlier in 2008 than in 2007. We need one or two couples to volunteer as co-chairpersons for SPINN 2008. Planning records from each year are always available and it becomes easier each time. Please volunteer now and begin organizing a committee early. New Neighborhood definitely wants to continue this annual activity! If interested, call Adria and Woody Appleby at 704.655.9717 or Dave Smith at 704.987.1472. |
In the Know in Our Neighborhood* Home Mail Delivery *This subject has raised questions and been discussed repeatedly by neighbors in New Neighborhood, particularly among single-family homeowners. The following article appeared in the Summer 2007 edition of The Town Message, Davidson’s newsletter. This should answer most of the questions that residents have raised regarding this matter. With this input, the Council of Stewards considers this a closed issue at this time and does not plan to revisit discussion. “The Davidson Post Office was originally
established as a non-delivery post office. All town residents
received their mail delivery through post office boxes at
the main office on Jackson Street. “Door delivery is only available now in communities across the country where it was established long ago. The postal service is not approving any new neighborhoods for door delivery. In Davidson, some new neighborhoods have chosen to follow the tradition begun years ago and have stated in their homeowner covenants that residents will use post office boxes downtown. “The post office is more than a place for to mail or receive letters. It is a place to meet friends and neighbors, catch up on local news and enjoy the community.” |
“In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is intended to provide important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known by all neighbors. I need topics that you feel appropriate. If you have ideas, call Dave Smith (704.987.1472) or e-mail davidbsmith@bellsouth.net.
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Cathy and Alan Sterling of 107 Caldwell Avenue as the July 2007 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” The Sterling’s have worked hard to keep their yard neatly trimmed and edged. The mix of color from both shrubs and flowers creates an attractive and eye-catching setting. The ornamental tree in the front also accents the entire appearance. Colorful hanging baskets adorn both the upper and lower porches.
This yard definitely shows that an attractive landscape can be developed in a limited space. The stone bench begs casual passers-by to stop and “rest a spell.”
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The home will be selected one or two weeks prior to the month of the award and will be featured in the newsletter and posted on the website. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call a member of the Landscape & Grounds Committee.
The “Star of Excellence” will reside on Caldwell Avenue during July. Be sure to drive by and see an eye-catching winner.
Congratulations to the Sterling Family!
Last year Jack Christine hosted a Porsche Club Rally that started from his townhome at 117 North Faulkner Way. He is planning the event again this year on Saturday, July 14. This year there should be anywhere from 18 to 25 cars that will be lined-up on North Faulkner for a morning start. They will not tie-up the street too long (about an hour) and will exit the rear of the neighborhood via Wolfe Street.
These are considerate folks and they will not be creating any disturbance. Neighbors should not be alarmed or concerned that these cars will be racing through the neighborhood streets and byways. If anyone wishes to get a glimpse of these beautiful European road machines before the start of the rally, please feel welcome to come by and watch them leave. If you have any questions, please call Jack Christine at 704.987.1527.
After serving since March, 2005, and effective immediately, Donna Howell will step down as the Assistant (Recording) Secretary for the Council of Stewards. The COS is looking for a replacement and would welcome volunteers. This is a non-elected position formed in 2005 to allow the Secretary to focus on meeting issues and to participate more freely in discussion. The job includes the taking of minutes at all Council meetings and issuing them to the Secretary for final approval. Other functions include recordkeeping for annual membership meetings. Interested persons should have a mind for details and good writing skills. If interested, please call Dave Smith by phone at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at davidbsmith@bellsouth.net).
Donna has done an outstanding job over the past two years and she will be missed. On behalf of all Council of Stewards members and the entire neighborhood –
Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery team. June volunteers included Adria & Woody Appleby, Barbara Doster, Tom Fischer, Sherman Kahn, Norm Reid, Norman Richards, Dave Smith, Norma Stewart, and John & Marcia Williamson. An extra thank you goes to the Applebys, John & Marcia Williamson, and Norma Stewart who also all helped deliver SPINN flyers in the same week – Double Duty!
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at davidbsmith@bellsouth.net).