Report from Council of Stewards Meeting
June 22, 2005 [Regular Meeting]
The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues
and took the following actions:
Homeowner questions and items of concern were addressed
at the start of the agenda. Two letters had been received, but no
homeowners were in attendance to respond to these issues.
a. Letter from homeowner regarding ringing of St, Alban’s Church
bells. [Following a discussion of the issue and appropriate church
response at this time, no further action was taken.]
b. Letter from homeowner regarding a variety of Association business
issues. [All items have been addressed.]
Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises) was authorized to respond to both
letters informing homeowners of actions taken.
Committee reports were presented. Action items
are approved by individual committees and recommended policy changes
are submitted to the Council for review and approval.
1. Finance Committee – Ed Riley presented
financial statements for period ending May 31, 2005.
The COS approved a motion to place notice in the next newsletter informing
homeowners that, pursuant to the Association’s stated policy,
liens will be placed on all properties that are delinquent in paying
Association fees. Abbott Enterprises was instructed to file liens
on all townhome accounts owing Association fee payments for three
months or more and on all single family homes owing two or more Association
fee payments. [See newsletter article, page 4.]
A motion was passed by the COS to transfer money from the Association’s
CD accounts at Wachovia Bank and to open a CD investment account with
Merrill Lynch. Merrill Lynch will manage the account for an annual
fee of $125. This applies to two CD accounts at Wachovia (one at $10,000
and a second at $150,000).
Ed Riley reported that bids had been received and a CPA has been engaged
to perform an audit of Association financial records. This report
will be available by the August 9th Annual Membership Meeting.
2. Townhome and Workplace Building Maintenance Committee
– Hank Howell reported that the townhome painting and repair
project is underway and on schedule. Brian Brocker of Abbott Enterprises
is managing this project. Questions or problems should be addressed
to Brian.
The Association Reserve Study contract has been signed and initial
payment has been made. The report should be completed in ten weeks.
Vera Victorino of Abbott Enterprises will manage this project.
3. Landscape & Grounds Committee – Homeowners
at the north end of Clemens Square have been advised that most of
their front yard is actually common area and the Association will
begin maintenance.
When requested by townhome owners, dead shrubs are removed and placed
on the replacement inventory list.
4. Architectural Review Committee – The COS
approved a motion to adopt architectural standards developed by the
committee for storm doors and name plaques. These standards are pre-approved
and, if the door or plaque meets these standards, it is not necessary
to submit a Request for Architectural Approval to the ARC. These standards
will be published in the newsletter and posted on the community website.
[See newsletter articles, pages 5 and 6.]
Motion was approved to direct the ARC to develop an architectural
standard for relocation of townhome A/C units. [See newsletter article,
page 5.]
5. Newsletter Committee – There were no major
changes to report. The committee continues to work toward integrating
the newsletter and certain information on the website.
6. Covenant Committee – The committee presented
their recommendation for “Governing Documents Enforcement Policy
& Procedures.” This policy will be reviewed for approval
at a special July COS meeting.
7. Nominating Committee – A nominating committee
was appointed: Sherman Kahn (chairperson), Virginia Hart, and Donna
Howell. The committee will present a slate of candidates for two Council
of Stewards positions to be elected at the August 9th Annual Membership
The meeting was adjourned and the Council met in Executive Session
to review a covenant violation and plans for the August 9th meeting.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly the
fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church
library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as
needed throughout the year. Meetings are open to residents. The next
regular COS meeting is August 24, 2005. There will
be a special meeting on July 27, 2005.
If any resident wishes to see a complete copy of meeting minutes,
please contact Norm Reid, Council of Stewards Secretary, at 704.894.9213.