In attendance: John Williamson (presiding), Tom Fischer, Steve Kessler, Nancy Lingle, Lemie Richards, Dave Smith, Dave Stout, Jack Christine (Recording Secretary), and Maureen Floyd (Community Assistant, Abbott Enterprises).
There were two homeowner issues presented to the COS prior to the meeting. One resident has expressed concern regarding the parking restrictions for Townhome owners. Since the individual making the complaint could not be identified and was not at the meeting, the issue was tabled. The second concern came from several residents who did not like the free distribution of The Lake Norman Herald throughout the neighborhood. These papers are frequently not picked up and create an eyesore and potential “red flag” for out-of-town owners. Steve Kessler agreed to call The Herald with this issue and request that delivery be made only to subscribers. [Note: This appears to have now been resolved.]
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Total expense for work orders during the first ten months of 2008 is at $11,949. (Total work orders – 56; Average expense per work order - $213). Monthly expense is running right at budget and well below levels from 2005 and 2006.
A review of Association responsibility for interior patio maintenance and repair was discussed. After reading the Covenant and By-Laws, especially Exhibit “E” (Initial Peer Group Maintenance Levels), there appears to be no mention of patios or courtyards or any other similar reference. Exhibit “E” states that the Association is responsible for (among other things) “maintenance, repair and replacement of exterior brick, siding, shutters, windows, doors, wood trim, gutters and downspouts, and the underground drainage pipes between the building and the public storm drain system.” Recognizing that issues will likely develop regarding patio maintenance and paver repair in the future, the COS has agreed to review each case on an individual basis at this time, with the intent of better developing a resolution at a later date.
A policy regarding maintenance and replacement of originally installed attic fans & roof ventilators was reviewed and approved by the COS. [Note: See newsletter article on page 4.]
2. Finance Committee – The financial report for month-ending October 31 was reviewed. Income and expenses are on budget for the year.
Approval was granted to the Finance Committee to close out the remaining Merrill Lynch Reserve Peer account and to redeposit funds into the CA Banc Reserve Peer account. The CA Banc Peer CD that will come due on December 22, 2008, will be rolled over for another term.
The audit report of Association Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2007, was reviewed and approved by the COS. This report is prepared each year by an independent third-party auditor and generally occurs by mid-year of the year following the one being audited. The report for 2007 was received in November, 2008. The audit was conducted by Andrew C. Thompson, CPA, Myrtle Beach, SC. Accounting practices and records were deemed to be in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. There were no major problem areas. The accountant did refer to the need for a Reserve Study regarding funds for future repairs. However, he was unaware that this study had, in fact, been conducted in 2005 and is planned again in 2009. A copy of this audit report can be made available upon request by contacting Abbott Enterprises or Tom Fischer, Treasurer of the Association.
3. Property Transition Committee – Teresa Furlong, who has chaired this committee for a couple of years, has requested that the Council appoint a new chairperson. Nancy Lingle, COS representative for the committee, will discuss candidates with Teresa. Since closing activity has been minimal for many months, the committee will review its current mission and develop options regarding how to best serve and benefit the neighborhood.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – The landscaping contractor will be asked to submit a bid for “limbing-up” trees in front of single-family homes in the spring. Although this is generally a responsibility of the Town of Davidson, the Association completed this task on one other occasion in the interest of proper care of the trees and safety for pedestrians.
Completion of landscaping renovation to the east side of Twain Avenue and the first building on the west side of Twain Avenue (closest to South Faulkner Way) are expected to be completed in December. The committee will communicate with the landscaping contractor and each resident affected by this work.
5. Architectural Review Committee – In November, one request was reviewed and denied, pending additional information.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee – The committee listings and the Good Neighbors’ Service list have both been updated in the members’ area of the website.
The committee chaired by Mary Lib Richards to update directory information on the website has turned over the survey sheets to Steve Lee. The new input is being used to update the database and a new version of the website directory is expected to be printable by late-winter or early-spring.
7. Covenant Committee – After numerous e-mails and contact with the Town of Davidson, the remarking of parking spaces on Twain Avenue and Caldwell Lane and the “NO PARKING” signs on Wolfe Street are finished.
All recent violation letters to homeowners have been complied with. There continue to be parking issues on Twain Avenue, our narrowest street. The committee is gathering information so that appropriate letters can be forwarded by Abbott.
The committee is recruiting one or two new members.
Requests by two owners to wave late fees and penalties for payment of assessments were reviewed. One was denied. The other request was partially granted. [Note: Requests dealing with personal accounts are generally discussed in Executive Session and details are not included in this summary. If an owner would like to appeal or question charges to an account, please contact Abbott Enterprises in writing as soon as possible. The request is then reviewed at the next COS meeting.]
Work by the Utility Conservation Committee to help reduce utility costs continues with results not expected before early-spring.
A draft letter to Evan Webster, Town Commissioner and President of Mi-Connection, requesting communication and dialog to better address the issue of this utility expansion in the neighborhood, was reviewed by the COS. The letter was approved and sent to Mr. Webster in late-December. [Note: Mr. Webster has agreed to a meeting, but the date has not been set. It is expected to be held during January.]
The 2009 St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association calendar is included at the end of this newsletter.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on February 25, 2009. |