St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain


January Newsletter

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Report from the

Council of Stewards Meeting

December 5, 2007 [Regular Meeting]

In attendance: Dave Smith (presiding), Sam Coleman, Tom Fischer, Lemie Richards (acting secretary), Dave Stout, John Williamson, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

There were no homeowner issues or comments.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – After ten months of 2007, total work order expenses appear to be less than in 2006. Monthly expense is averaging $1,327 (vs. $1,622 in 2006) with the average cost per work order at $201 (vs. $250 in 2006). The total number of work orders per year remains about the same as in 2006.

Performance of fluorescent light bulbs over garages in the byways has not met expectations. Duke Energy is “considering” a grant to our neighborhood to install new light fixtures that would be more appropriate for fluorescent bulbs. Further details and a firm commitment from Duke are not available at this time.

Use of mushroom-style (non-powered) ventilators to replace failing, powered roof and attic fans was approved by the Architectural Review Committee. This will give owners a simple alternative to replacement of current powered ventilator fans as they fail. The roof contractor has approved this as an acceptable means of reducing heat in attic spaces during the summer.

2.  Finance Committee – The financial report for month ending October 31 was reviewed.

Common Area and Townhome Peer Group expenses continue over budget due to higher than normal utilities costs for increased irrigation required during the drought. However, since county restrictions went into effect on September 26, it is anticipated that costs will level to budget amounts by year-end.

To consolidate the location of all Common Reserves, funds held in a Merrill Lynch account will be moved to a CA Banc account also set up for these funds.

3.  Property Transition Committee – No new issues to report.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee – Landscaping renovation on Twain Avenue has still not been completed in light of the current water restrictions. It is now expected to be completed after the first of the year. The new landscaping will be installed with a drip irrigation system that will be in place for spring if restrictions are lifted. Due to courtyard arrangements, further input from townhome owners will be needed before beginning renovation work on the west side of Twain.

A quotation was received for correcting drainage problems behind Charleston-style homes on O. Henry Avenue. Due to the high cost (nearly $20,000), additional quotes will be obtained to get a second opinion on the cause of the problem and the approach to a solution.

Continuing concern about damage to byway walls by recycle and waste vehicles was expressed. Waste Management will be contacted.

5.  Architectural Review Committee – All documents formerly stored in Doug Boone’s office are now stored with Luann Christine.

A study by the ARC to understand root causes and develop solutions for deteriorating shutters on Charleston homes in the neighborhood was reviewed. [See newsletter article on page 3.]

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee – A format for an online directory has been created. Mary Lib Richards will chair a committee to review a draft and update it. Availability of a printable online directory is expected by mid-year. When available, all residents and owners should be able to print a copy. Homeowners without computer access will be able to get neighbors to print a copy. The website directory will be periodically updated to provide best ongoing information.

The number of newsletter copies printed each month has been reduced due to less mail outs. The budget for 2008 will be adequate to continue monthly delivery.

7.  Covenant Committee – A potential buyer recently expressed a desire to operate a business that would involve regular client traffic to and from a casita. The COS reviewed this request and reached the conclusion that the Covenants do NOT allow such a business. Although use of this space as a home office is O.K., the governing documents of the neighborhood will not allow an operation such as a counseling service where regular client traffic is expected.

  • Management Report – The Management Action Log, including the report on delinquent accounts, was presented by Vera Victorino. Requests for follow-up on several accounts were made.

New coupon books reflecting the increase in fees for townhome owners will be mailed in mid-December.

  • Old Business – A quotation to add asphalt curbing to Wallace M. Gamble Byway to prevent erosion and drainage run-off from the wooded area was reviewed. Since it was felt that the curb should be done by machine rather than by hand, a second quote will be obtained.

The search continues for a COS Recording Secretary.

  • New Business – The COS approved a donation of $500 to St. Alban’s Church. The amount will be applied to 2007 expenses.

All committee chairpersons and COS representatives were requested to supply 2008 calendar dates for meetings and events to Teresa Furlong as soon as possible. This calendar will be distributed with the February newsletter.

Sam Coleman pointed out that there was a recall of GE microwave-oven combination units announced on December 5. [See newsletter article on page 5.]

Upon recommendation from the Finance Committee, the COS passed a motion to combine the annual Membership Meeting held in August with the Budget Ratification Meeting held in November. Since by-laws require that the Membership Meeting be held in the third quarter, this meeting will be held during the fourth week of September. Attendance should improve since most vacations are finished at that time. Tom Fischer, Treasurer, assures the Council that preparation of the 2009 budget can be completed by that date.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on February 27, 2007.