St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain


January Newsletter

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Report from the

Council of Stewards Meeting

December 6, 2006, Regular Meeting

In attendance: Sam Coleman, Tom Fischer, Teresa Furlong, Sherman Kahn, Norm Reid, David Smith, Donna Howell (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

No homeowners were in attendance to present questions or concerns.

The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Lance Cunnane met with the Council of Stewards to discuss settling problems in the patio foundations of four of five townhomes on the north side of Caldwell Lane. These patios are under an extended warranty through September, 2007. Lance Cunnane and owner Jim Faulkner, member of the committee, explained the procedure agreed upon to resolve the problem. Structural adjustments will be made, the current patios will be crushed and used as fill, and new patio surfaces will be installed. This project is expected to be done in January and should take two weeks to complete. Mr. Cunnane agreed to notify owners prior to beginning the project.

In addition, Lance Cunnane will investigate and repair the garage water seepage problems reported by townhome owners on South Faulkner, as well as other such problems reported. This repair will require removal of some fill dirt around exterior walls before waterproofing material can be applied. [Note: As of end of December, this repair work had been completed on South Faulkner and on one unit of North Faulkner. Thanks should be extended to Lance Cunnane of the Cunnane Group for his quick response and solution to this problem. This kind of service has been a welcome characteristic of Cunnane throughout the history of our development.]

2.  Finance Committee – Financial statements for period ending October 31, 2006 were available. Tom Fischer reported that the Association will end the year in the “black.”

In February-March, a simplified year-end financial statement will be prepared for homeowners and published in the newsletter.

Due to short-term high percentage yields, some reserve funds have been moved into 6 to 9 month CDs.

Accounts receivable as unpaid assessment fees have dropped considerably over the past year. At the request of the Association, a policy has been adopted for Abbott to mail a quarterly notice to any homeowner whose maintenance fee is in arrears.

3.  Property Transition Committee – All remaining neighborhood surveys are expected to be completed by end of December. Abbott will be notified of all changes and corrections reported by the survey and will keep all completed survey forms on file at their office. Forms indicating a change of address will be placed in the individual homeowner’s file and a verification notice sent to the affected homeowner.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee – The Winter Holiday Decorations Contest will be judged during the evenings of December 10th and 11th. [See newsletter article on pages 3 and 4.]

Due to a number of concerns expressed by townhome owners regarding the over-watering of areas between units, the issue will be considered before the irrigation system is activated in the spring. It may be necessary to add additional zones or re-adjust timers.

Most shrubbery and tree replacement for 2006 has been completed. Donna Howell and LuAnn Christine met with Contemporary Landscapes to discuss the upgrading of townhome landscaping. The landscape contractor will submit preliminary drawings of plans to accomplish this work with the intent of using as much of the current plantings as feasible, while still removing plants that are no longer size or placement appropriate. Input from owners will be invited while addressing an acceptable community standard. In addition, a list of appropriate plants will be created to allow the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) to develop a standard when considering landscaping change requests by single-family homeowners.

Copies of the 2007 landscape maintenance contract will be provided by e-mail to all COS members.

5.  Architectural Review Committee – No report.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee – In order to control costs within budget, the size of the newsletter (excluding official business such as standards, budget summaries, and calendars) will be cut to an average size of eight pages in 2007.

7.  Covenant Committee – The committee is completing work on wording changes to the Governing Documents Enforcement Policies and Procedures. Approval is expected at the next COS meeting.

An anonymous note was placed on some cars in the Clemens Square area requesting owners to comply with parking restrictions. This action was not taken by the Covenant Committee and is not sanctioned by the Council of Stewards.

Work continues toward completion of the Policies and Procedures Summary document for distribution to the neighborhood. This document will be handled as an amendment to the Canons of Conduct and will maintain approval of existing community standards such as the recently passed guidelines for basketball goals.

  • Management Report –An annual review of performance with Dennis Abbott of Abbott Enterprises was held on Tuesday, November 14. Tom Fischer and David Smith represented the Association at this meeting. The following issues were discussed:
    • Concerns by owners regarding erratic timing of bank drafts will be addressed by Abbott with the goal of having these drafts occur within the same timeframe each month.
    • Response to homeowner phone calls is improving. This has been facilitated by the addition of an Assistant Community Manager, Cindy Wagner.
    • Most recordkeeping problems have been resolved as a result of personnel changes and the resolution of errors created during transition of records from CSI.
    • A quarterly notice will be sent to all owners with past due assessments and fees. This is to better communicate the status of past-due accounts in a timely manner.
    • The Abbott contract has been renewed for two years at a 4% management fee increase.
  • New Business – Sherman Kahn will prepare the 2007 Association Calendar and it will be published in the February newsletter.

A trailer parked on Caldwell Lane in front of the work units is violation of community covenants. Abbott will advise the owner of this violation and request that the trailer be removed. [This has been completed.]

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on February 28, 2007.