St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain


December Newsletter

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Report from the

Neighborhood Membership Meeting

November 13, 2007

There was a Neighborhood Association Membership Meeting held on Tuesday, November 13, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Alban’s Church. The purpose of the meeting was to ratify the proposed 2008 budget. The meeting was called to order by President Dave Smith. Abbott Enterprises verified that the required notification of homeowners was sent at least ten days in advance of the meeting and met all Association by-laws. A copy of the budget summary was included with the Abbott notification.

There were no homeowner questions regarding the proposed 2008 budget. There will be no increase in assessments for single-family homeowners in 2008. However, due primarily to inflationary increases in management fees and the annual landscaping contract, the Townhome Peer Group assessments will increase by $2.00 per month ($24 per year). [See newsletter article on page 3.] A motion to approve the 2008 budget passed. [Note: The budget may be approved by a simple majority of the homeowners in attendance at the Membership Meeting. A majority of all Class A voters (homeowners) are required to disapprove the budget. Currently there are 272 Class A voters.]

Plans for future membership meetings were discussed. The Council of Stewards will present a motion in 2008 to consolidate the two membership meetings each year into one meeting to be held in September. Currently, a general meeting, including election of Council of Stewards members, is held in August. (The Association by-laws require this meeting to be held in the third quarter.) A second meeting is held in November for the purpose of ratifying the budget. Consolidation of the two meetings decreases management expenses and will likely result in a larger representation of members. Tom Fischer, Treasurer, agrees that the budget can be ready for approval at a September general meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on December 5, 2007. An early meeting date is scheduled each December due to the holiday.