Report from theNeighborhood Membership MeetingNovember 14 , 2006There was a Neighborhood Association Membership Meeting held on Tuesday, November 14, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Alban’s Church. The purpose of the meeting was to ratify the proposed 2007 budget. The meeting was called to order by President Dave Smith. Abbott Enterprises verified that the required notification of homeowners was sent at least ten days in advance of the meeting and met all Association by-laws. A copy of the budget summary was included with the Abbott notification. The proposed 2007 budget was presented by Tom Fischer, Treasurer. No increase in assessments is planned in 2007. A motion to approve the 2007 budget passed. [Note: The budget may be approved by a simple majority of the homeowners in attendance at the Membership Meeting. A majority of all Class A voters (homeowners) are required to disapprove the budget. Currently there are 272 Class A voters.] A brief discussion session was held:
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. NOTE: Regular Membership Meetings are held twice each year. The general meeting, including election of Council of Stewards members, is held in August. The second meeting is held in November for the purpose of ratifying the budget.