The Last Page

Our neighborhood would not be as strong as it is without volunteers who help each day. However, there is always more work to be done. There is a strong need for a new Recording Secretary on the Council of Stewards. Arvind Patil needs help planning the Men’s Dinner Out. Volunteers are needed if we are to make the Neighborhood Dinner a continuing success. We are planning now for SPINN 2008 and need volunteers. So many of our residents help repeatedly in so many ways, but we always want to see new faces willing to lend a hand. Our neighborhood committees can always use more help.

The need also goes to community. Hopefully, you saw the article about a new program called DavidsonWalks. Please consider becoming a neighborhood representative for this wonderful initiative. Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, Lydia’s Loft – the list is endless, but the needs are real.

Helping and caring for others is what it’s all about!

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For, indeed, that's all who ever have."

                                                                     -  Margaret Mead

— Dave Smith (and this is “the last page. . .”)
August Newsletter
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