St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain


August Newsletter

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Neighborhood Business Meetings

Annual Meeting of Members

Tuesday, August 8
St. Alban’s Church, 7:00 P.M.

Main Purpose: Election of new members to Council of Stewards. A formal notification of this meeting was mailed in July to all owners by Abbott.

[Time to address other issues will be allocated.]

Annual Membership Meeting -
Cornerstone to a Great Neighborhood

It is important that you plan to attend the Annual Neighborhood Membership Meeting on Tuesday, August 8. There are only two such meetings each year. The August meeting focuses on election of representatives on the Council of Stewards. The purpose of the November meeting is approval of the budget for the following year. Both meetings provide key information about your neighborhood and conduct business that often requires a quorum as set by our by-laws and covenants.
At the August meeting, a quorum of 25% of total Class “A” members (owners) must be present to hold official business, including election of members to the Council of Stewards. This includes proxy statements that are returned to Abbott Enterprises or received on the night of the meeting. Advance notice of this meeting was mailed to all owners during the last week of July. The packet will contain: a cover letter with names of candidates that have been nominated by the 2006 Nominating Committee; a copy of minutes from the 2005 meeting; and a proxy that may be returned if you will not be present. If you know you will be unable to attend, please return your proxy to Abbott by mail as soon as possible or sign and send it with a neighbor who will be attending. Class “A” members include owners (resident or non-resident) and do not include tenants who are renting from someone else. Tenants are welcome to attend the meeting, but may not vote.

Attendance to these meetings is often determined by interest in one or two major neighborhood topics or complaints. Last year, there was much focus on opinions and actions regarding completion of our roads. There will be time provided at this meeting for comments, concerns, and suggestions. Although there may not be a major issue of broad interest, it is still important that we all remain informed and attend the meeting on August 8. An opportunity to sign-up for neighborhood committees will be provided along with annual reports from each of those committees. The meeting provides an excellent chance to learn what is happening now and what is planned for the future. The success of our Association is a reflection of involved neighbors!


Council of Stewards

(4th Wednesday of every other month)
Next Regular Meeting: August 23

Finance Committee

(4th Wednesday of every other month)
Next Meeting: September 27

Architectural Review Committee

3rd Tuesday of every month
Next Meeting: August 15

Covenant Committee

(1st Wednesday of every month)
Next Meeting: August 2

Landscape & Grounds Committee

(2nd Monday every other month)
Next Meeting: August 14

Townhome & Workplace Building Maintenance Committee

(3rd Wednesday every three months)
Next Meeting: October 18